Government Affairs

Malkin & Ross’s comprehensive approach to legislative lobbying and regulatory advocacy is designed to address the needs and objectives of our clients.

Strategic Consulting

Malkin & Ross is known for taking on contentious and difficult policy issues, crafting innovative strategies, forging broad alliances, and driving the legislative process.

Partnership & Coalitions

Malkin & Ross meets clients’ broad needs by providing an array of strategic planning, public relations and other advocacy services.

About Us

Established in 1984, Malkin & Ross is a New York State lobbying firm committed to advancing the public policy interests of our clients.

Who We Are

Malkin & Ross (M&R) is a New York State lobbying firm committed to advancing the public policy interests of our clients. We specialize in developing targeted…

Our Approach

Early on, M&R recognized that lobbying was no longer a one-dimensional tactic best pursued behind-the-scenes. In today’s heavily regulated legislative arena…

What We Do

Our practice areas include: Government Affairs Representation before the Governor, Legislature and Executive Agencies, Strategic Consulting…